From: A 33-year-old man from AZ

Sometimes it's hard to believe what starts it. The truth is whatever the reason is revenge, or because it makes you feel good. Cyberbullying or bullying of any type is against the law. It can have horrible outcomes that will kill others, and sometimes it can lead others to do crimes, murders, and sometimes even cause deaths to innocents that had nothing to do with it in the first place.
It’s time to take a stand now, that when we teach our children it’s okay to get revenge or hurt others if they have hurt you, then it’s then we teach them it’s okay to cause pain, wars, this is bullsh*t. We don't have a right to cause any pain to any person for whatever reason. The time is now to stop the violence and it stops here and now. In our schools, Computer Labs, and the internet. STOP hurting others, it doesn't feel good, and in the end, could cause you more harm than you realize.
I was the victim of cyberbullying, I was also the cause of it at one point because I had continued to try to get revenge on those that hurt me. In the end, it wasn't much of anything but pain, and the pain continued on to my own friends and others. It's not worth it no matter how much someone hurts you its needs to stop and it stops now...
So, I'm here and I am trying to make it stop.

blow others' candles doesn't make u shine 😡
I did change the way I think about other people and it's completely changed my world. Just walk through from the past. The past is in the past. But I will teach my children about cyberbullying prevention in the future